soittakaa kirkolle,
kun poika äsken kuoli

personal web site of a troubled eccentric netizen

asa mitaka from the manga series chainsaw man. the image is an illustration in black and white, depicting a young high school girl. she has black hair which is tied up into two low twin tails. her school uniform consists of a long-sleeved button up shirt, which is worn beneath a pinafore style dress. her facial expression is solemn, almost displeased.

this site is a work in progress and will likely always be, but i suppose i could add some placeholder content so the site feels more presentable.

about the site:

the purpose of this site is to shed light on subjects i do not feel comfortable discussing without a vague shield of anonymity, which this site partially provides. my goal is to create a space where i feel comfortable sharing my opinions and thoughts about everything and nothing. i am not going to censor myself for the sake of the comfort of others, so please view this site at your own discretion, and understand that my site might contain upsetting content - whatever this entails to you.

this site is not, and likely never will be, mobile friendly. i might make a separate landing page for mobile users, or redo the landing page entirely. who knows.

about me:

just call me reino or reiska. he/him, adolescent. in case you're curious: no, i do not speak finnish, and no, i have not read chainsaw man, contrary to what the site content might lead you to believe.